
If you have not started blogging at your company yet, your absence in this medium could be hurting your brand.Blogging is easy because you and your employees are experts about your company and about your industry. Blogging can be free too, so if your company is not blogging, stop the excuses and get on this important bandwagon. How canblogging help your brand? Blogging can be an informal and educational voice for your brand, blogging can help your search engine rankings, and it can also help feature your products and spotlight points of interest from your company and your industry that can improve sales and your brand’s reputation.
How Blogging Can Help Improve Your Brand
How Blogging Can Help Improve Your Brand
Informal and Educational Voice for Your Brand
A blog is a chance to tell your customers and the public all about your company. You can highlight your brand image, tell customers what your company is about, and educate them about your company, products, services, and industry. Whether your company online or brick and mortar, you do not get the same opportunity to tell stories on your website or in retail locations like you can on a blog. A blog can give you a chance to highlight employees, partner companies, and give a view of the “behind the scenes” access to your company. A blog can be a vessel to connect with customers or your audience in a personal way.
Blogging Helps Search Engine Rankings
Adding a blog to your website, or even using a blogging service like WordPress or Blogger, can help add that ever-important content that the search engines are looking for. This is a topic that you must be very careful about, especially now that the search engines are craving quality content. That means, be careful and thoughtful with what you write about on your blog. Do not just write blog posts to fill in keywords and links; that will not help your search engine rankings in any way. In fact, it will likely hurt your chances of being included in search results for relevant keywords. Instead, write informative content that is aimed at your customers or potential customers. If they love the content, so will the search engines. If they love content, they are also likely to share it on their social channels, which will help spread the word about your company.
Discuss Points of Interest in Your Industry
You have a unique perspective of the industry you are in and your business. Share that with your blog readers. Is there a pop culture connection with your product or service? Are people using your products making the news or doing unusual things? Is there something newsworthy in your industry or vertical? Those are the interesting types of things that people will love to read about on your blog.
Spotlight Products
A company blog should not be all about selling your products. As mentioned before, talk about your company, be informative, and discuss points of interest in your industry. That doesn’t mean that you should not highlight products though. Definitely talk about and showcase products on your blog, but do it in a different way than you would sell them on your website. Use the opportunity to tell stories about products, how they are developed or made, and add lists of best sellers.
Takeaways for Businesses Developing a Blog
Blogging for your brand has many positive aspects, so you should develop a plan to blog now. It really can help put a personal stamp on your communications to customers and prospective customers much in the way that promotional gifts from Brandme do. Both blogs and promotional, branded gifts add a personal touch to your connections. Anyone in your organization can blog, and many different employees should get in on blogging to showcase a variety of topics and spread out the task. Develop a calendar and assign topics to different employees. Onecontent manager should be in charge of all blogging to make sure that continuity is maintained and there are notduplicates. The content manager can also ensure that posts are timely, relevant, and up to par with your company’s requirements.

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