
Researchers have set a new world record for data transmission over a single strand of optical fiber.
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) worked alongside three partners – Fujikura Ltd., Hokkaido University and the Technical University of Denmark. One petabit (1000 terabits) per second was transferred over a distance of 53.4 km (32.75 mi) using 12-core (light paths) in a single strand of optical fibre, more than 10 times the capacity of the previous record for conventional optical fibre. This bandwidth is equivalent to sending 5,000 HDTV videos of two hours each in a single second. This remarkable achievement was reported at the European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communications (ECOC 2012), the largest conference on optical communication in Europe.

1 petabit per second fibre transmission over 50 km

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